Keep your cleanroom up to standard with Guardtech’s elite Cleanroom Service Plan

Trust the Suffolk-based cleanroom construction specialists to cover all your Testing, Service, Maintenance, Validation and Decon needs
THEY SAY that ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ – but when it comes to controlled environments, laboratories and cleanrooms, sometimes waiting for a problem to arise before you act can have devastating results.
That’s why the Guardtech Group Service Department provide a wide range of programmes as part of their Cleanroom Service Plan – so clients can rest assured, safe in the knowledge that by entrusting the Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) of their process rooms, plant, utilities and devices to Guardtech, the risk of a major fault developing diminishes significantly.
It’s critical that any business’ controlled environment is given the regular TLC it needs to continue to operate at peak performance – as anything less could risk product and process and, ultimately, cost time and money, and even risk potentially crippling sanctions.
Guardtech clients tend to take on either a one, three or five-year Cleanroom Service Plan with a minimum of two visits per year from engineers as standard, but the Group can support you with one-off visits, as well as bi-monthly, monthly, weekly or even daily programmes for Decontamination.
The team are always there to discuss the particular needs of your business to ensure you receive the appropriate level of support – with the ultimate aim of relieving the burden of managing your controlled environment.
From Commissioning new-build cleanrooms to Service, Maintenance, Testing, Validation and Decontamination of existing controlled environments, the Guardtech Group Service Department support ongoing compliance in all cGMP & ISO14644 classified cleanrooms, ensuring facilities are audit-ready and compliant with regulatory bodies.
Guardtech also provide detailed documentation on all their construction projects, including a comprehensive Design Qualification (DQ), Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operational Qualification (OQ) as part of their wider full-scale Commissioning and Compliance offering.

Services Manager Chris McGinn said: “All cleanrooms need regular service and maintenance to ensure they continue to meet standards and function at optimum levels – and it’s recommended that you have at least two programmes per year to go over the necessary checks and processes to confirm that nothing is amiss.
“At Guardtech, we’ve built up an impressive amount of knowledge, resource and expertise to ensure our clients’ cleanrooms get the best support available – we’re here to take away the burden of managing your controlled environment, so you can focus on delivering the product or service that you specialise in.”
The Guardtech Group Service Department’s thorough Testing programme includes Filter Integrity and Separative Devices – such as biosafety cabinets and laminar flow benches – as well as Performance Testing, including Temperature, Humidity and Lux levels.
Validation features measurements for Air Velocity, Volumetric Flow Rate and Room Differential Pressure, as well as Particle Counting – all in accordance with ISO 14644-1.
The Service & Maintenance remit is significantly wide – from HVAC, compressor and generator repairs and upgrades to filter replacements, gauge calibration and environmental monitoring (EMS) and Building Management System (BMS) Servicing.
But the scope for support doesn’t end there – whether it’s rapid rise door or central vacuum system inspection required, process air handling unit filter testing, crane servicing, fall protection systems or transfer hatch servicing, there are very few challenges for which the Guardtech team isn’t prepared to offer support.
Operations Manager Jen Lawrence added: “We’ve been working hard behind the scenes at CB9 to enhance our Service offering to the point where it’s running more efficiently than ever before. We’ve now got exceptional nationwide coverage and a highly experienced team backed by up the full support of the Guardtech Group’s modular, turnkey and portable cleanroom construction experts, meaning we really do cover all bases when it comes to labs, cleanrooms and other controlled environments.”
Indeed, Guardtech’s ‘total package’ philosophy doesn’t end there, with a dedicated Decontamination Team on hand to complete their elite Cleanroom Service Plan offering.
The two most senior members of the Decon Team boast 30 years’ experience in decontamination, offering tailored bespoke cleaning programmes to suit the needs of your application, following client SOPs and using specific validated chemicals and equipment as and when required.
From Builders’, Pre-Validation and Biocidal/Sporicidal cleans through to Hydrogen Peroxide Fogging and Microbiological/bioburden testing with TSA & SDA plates, the Guardtech Group Decontamination Team don’t miss a spot.
Working to GMP standards, the team conduct cleanliness verification tests with full reporting and are certified to work at height (IPAF PAL card holders).
Guardtech are inviting any existing or potential new clients that wish to discuss a consolidated Planned Preventative Maintenance contract for all utilities and plant serving their cleanroom to email or call 0330 113 0303 so a member of the Guardtech team can take them through their options.
For more information on the different aspects of the Guardtech Group’s total cleanroom package, visit